Tingkatkan Imuniti Anda
The immune system is essential for our survival. Without an immune system, our body may face attacks from …
Diet Arthritis yang Paling Sempurna
References: 1. Paturel, A., 2022. The Ultimate Arthritis Diet. [online] Arthritis.org. Available at: <https://www.arthritis.org/health-wellness/healthy-living/nutrition/anti-inflammatory/the-ultimate-arthritis-diet> [Accessed 12 September 2022]. 2. Bilodeau, K., 2022. An anti-inflammatory diet may be good for your joints – Harvard Health. [online] Harvard Health. Available at: <https://www.health.harvard.edu/nutrition/an-anti-inflammatory-diet-may-be-good-for-your-joints> [Accessed 12 September 2022]. 3. Butler, N., 2020. Osteoarthritis diet: 8 foods to eat and
Perhatikan Mata Anda
Vision changes will occur naturally as a person ages, but vision loss is not a normal consequence of ageing. Malaysia is expected to become an ageing nation by 2030, with 15% of the total population aged 65 years and above 1. Age-related macular degeneration (known as the ‘AMD’) is a chronic and progressive degenerative condition
Diabetes & Sakit Sendi
Uncontrolled diabeter has been associated with an incread of joint problems susch as osteoarthritis, Charcot’s feet,and diabetec …
OkralinTM is a proprietary blend of okra and inulin, patented fat binder for weight management.
YesHealth @ Tropicana-go-go-FIT
Date: 25 September 2022Venue: Tropicana Metropark Property Gallery 1 It was fun to join the Tropicana Go Go Fit Park Adventure Race! Congratulations to our two winners! https://www.tropicanacorp.com.my/event-details/110
YesHealth @ Tastefully Food Expo 2022
Date: 5 – 7 August 2022Venue: Mid Valley Exhibition Center, KL Taking place on 5th- 7th Aug 2022 at MidValley Kuala Lumpur. Together with Tastefully Food Expo and Tastefully Health Expo!
Acrobatic Lion Dance Championship 2022
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rxWK4OPViE Date: 13 – 15 May 2022Venue: Quayside Mall Our First Event in the Year 2022 ended up with a BLAST! We really appreciate all of you who came all the way to spend your weekend with us! Congratulations to the Champion of the Acrobatic Lion Dance Championship 2022! 雪州万挠玄龙体育会 Xuan Long Dragon & Lion