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Sambucus nigra (西洋接骨木)

Benefits of elderberry
Sambucus nigra (西洋接骨木)

西洋接骨木,也被称为长者、黑长者或欧洲长者。这是一种原产于欧洲的小型落叶树,在初夏时很容易通过其白色花朵识别,拥有亮黑色的浆果。几个世纪以来,欧洲民间医学一直将花和浆果用于治疗各种疾病,如普通感冒、流感、鼻塞和发烧 1



接骨木浆果的营养丰富,它含有多种营养素,如维生素 A、维生素 B1、维生素 B2、维生素 B6、维生素 B9、维生素 C、维生素 E、锌、钙、镁、钾、铁、黄酮类化合物、植物甾醇和多酚 1,2

除了这些营养成分外,未成熟的接骨木浆果还含有氰苷,具有潜在的毒性,可在体内转化成氰化物并造成体伤。然而,热处理可以降解毒素以便能安全食用 1


1. 舒缓感冒,流感

实验证明接骨木浆果可增强免疫系统并减轻感冒和流感的症状,例如发烧、咳嗽、喉咙痛和鼻塞 2。 接骨木浆果的提取物还具有抗病毒作用,已被证明可以灭活 A 型和 B 型流感病毒株。接骨木浆果的抗炎特性可以减少粘膜肿胀和鼻塞,从而减轻流感爆发期间的疼痛和发烧 2,3

2. 抗氧化及抗炎功效

接骨木浆果含有抗氧化剂,如花青素和类黄酮。这些抗氧化剂不仅有助于对抗有害的自由基,而且对控制身体的炎症反应也很重要 1。其高抗氧化剂也可减少体内的炎症,有助于慢性炎症,如心脏病和癌症 1

3. 抗菌

接骨木浆果对引起上呼吸道感染的人类病原菌具有抗菌特性。有效抑制化脓性链球菌、C组和G组链球菌、卡他氏菌等细菌的生长 1

4. 对抗紫外线

接骨木浆果的多酚提取物可以抵御紫外线辐射,在防晒配方中很有价值。与蜡菊、山楂提取物合用,保护效果更佳 5,6


1. Młynarczyk, K., Walkowiak-Tomczak, D., & Łysiak, G. P. (2018). Bioactive properties of Sambucus nigra L. as a functional ingredient for food and pharmaceutical industry. Journal of functional foods40, 377–390. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jff.2017.11.025

2. Tiralongo, E., Wee, S. S., & Lea, R. A. (2016). Elderberry Supplementation Reduces Cold Duration and Symptoms in Air-Travellers: A Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. Nutrients8(4), 182. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu8040182

3. Mahboubi M. (2020). Sambucus nigra (black elder) as alternative treatment for cold and flu. Advances in Traditional Medicine, 1–10. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13596-020-00469-z

4. Ulbricht, C., Basch, E., Cheung, L., Goldberg, H., Hammerness, P., Isaac, R., Khalsa, K. P., Romm, A., Rychlik, I., Varghese, M., Weissner, W., Windsor, R. C., & Wortley, J. (2014). An evidence-based systematic review of elderberry and elderflower (Sambucus nigra) by the Natural Standard Research Collaboration. Journal of dietary supplements11(1), 80–120. https://doi.org/10.3109/19390211.2013.859852

5. Miraj, S. (2016). Chemical composition and pharmacological effects of Sambucus nigra. Der Pharma Chemica, 8(13), 231-234. http://derpharmachemica.com/archive.html

6. Sidor, A., & Gramza-Michałowska, A. (2015). Advanced research on the antioxidant and health benefit of elderberry (Sambucus nigra) in food – a review. Journal Of Functional Foods18, 941-958. doi: 10.1016/j.jff.2014.07.012

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