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Passiflora incarnata (西番莲)

Benefits of Passionflower
Passiflora Incarnata (西番莲)

西番莲的学名 Passiflora incarnata,也被称为五月花,属于西番莲科。西番莲起源于拉丁文单词 “Passio ”,是由西班牙探险家取的名字,象征“ 基督受难记” 1。西番莲原产于美国东南部、中部及南美部 2。在美洲,西番莲被传统用作镇静剂。在欧洲,人们则用西番莲来治疗失眠及焦虑症。


西番莲的主要生物活性成分是类黄酮,吲哚生物碱,酚,糖基和生氰苷 1,3。类黄酮是主要的植物成分,最有可能是西番莲的活性成分。西番莲中发现的黄酮类化合物为牡荆素,黄体素,芹菜素,山奈酚和槲皮素 1,3


1. 舒缓焦虑

精神压力会引起焦虑,躁动和神经质等状况。西番莲可用于舒缓焦虑症,包括手术前的焦虑症,因为它能平静头脑的思绪而非引起镇静作用 3,4,5

2. 缓解失眠

西番莲的提取物可降低大脑活动,改善睡眠质量,对轻度睡眠不规律者有所帮助 4


1. Patel, Sita & Sheikuduman, Mohamed Saleem & Ravi, V & Shrestha, Bhupendra & Verma, Nitin & Karunakaran, Gauthaman. (2009). Passiflora incarnata Linn: A phytopharmacological review. International Journal of Green Pharmacy. 3. 10.4103/0973-8258.59731

2. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. 西番莲. Updated September 24, 2017. https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/passionflower

3. Ngan, A., & Conduit, R. (2011). A double-blind, placebo-controlled investigation of the effects of Passiflora incarnata (passionflower) herbal tea on subjective sleep quality. Phytotherapy research: PTR, 25(8), 1153–1159. https://doi.org/10.1002/ptr.3400

4. Movafegh, A., Alizadeh, R., Hajimohamadi, F., Esfehani, F., & Nejatfar, M. (2008). Preoperative oral Passiflora incarnata reduces anxiety in ambulatory surgery patients: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Anesthesia and analgesia106(6), 1728–1732. https://doi.org/10.1213/ane.0b013e318172c3f9

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