Eurycome Longifolia Extract (Tongkat Ali)

Eurycome Longifolias Extract (Tongkat Ali)
Eurycome longifolia extract, also known as tongkat ali, is a flowering plant in the family Simaroubaceae with a variety of uses and potential health benefits. Tongkat ali in particular has flavonoids, alkaloids, and other substances that function as antioxidants 1. It is used to treat erectile dysfunction, fevers, infections, and malaria in traditional medicine in Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and other Asian nations 2.
Published Health Benefits
1. Increase testosterone levels and improve male fertility
- Tongkat ali has been shown to increase testosterone levels in men who have low levels of this primary sex hormone. A one-month study of 76 older men with low testosterone found that taking 200 mg of tongkat ali extract daily significantly increased testosterone levels to normal levels in more than 90% of participant 3.
- Tongkat ali has been shown to improve sperm motility and concentration, thereby increasing male fertility 4,5. In one study of 75 male partners of infertile couples, taking 200 mg of tongkat ali extract per day for three months significantly improved sperm concentration and motility. This treatment also helped over 14% of couples become pregnant.
2. Reduce stress and boost mood
Tongkat ali may reduce stress hormones. reduce anxiety, and improve mood. A one-month study of 63 adults with moderate stress found that taking 200 mg of tongkat ali extract daily, reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol in saliva by 16% when compared to those who received a placebo 6.
3. Physical fitness
Tongkat ali is also marketed to athletes as an ergogenic that boost testosterones and increases muscle mass and strength whole also improving endurance 7. This is due to the presence of quassinoids, which include eurycomaoside, eurycolactone, and eurycomanone and may help your body use energy more efficiently and reduce fatigue 1. In a small, 5-week study involving 14 men who were taking part in a strength training regimen, it was discovered that those consumed 100 mg of tongkat ali extract daily saw significantly greater gains in lean body mass than those who consumed a placebo 8.
4. Bone health
Tongkat ali has been shown to strengthen bones, thereby treating osteoporosis in men. This result was due to tongkat ali significant to the rise in testosterone levels, which not only builds bone (osteoblasts), but also activates the death of bone breaks down cells (osteoclasts), which eventually leads to bone mass preservation 9.
- Jiraungkoorskul, W. and Khanijo, T. (2016) “Review ergogenic effect of Long Jack, Eurycoma longifolia,” Pharmacognosy Reviews, 10(20), p. 139. Available at:
- Bhat, R. and Karim, A.A. (2010) “Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia Jack): A review on its ethnobotany and pharmacological importance,” Fitoterapia, 81(7), pp. 669–679. Available at:
- Tambi, M.I., Imran, M.K. and Henkel, R.R. (2011) “Standardised water-soluble extract of eurycoma longifolia, Tongkat Ali, as testosterone booster for managing men with late-onset hypogonadism?,” Andrologia, 44, pp. 226–230. Available at:
- Ismail, S.B. et al. (2012) “Randomized clinical trial on the use of PHYSTA freeze-dried water extract ofeurycoma longifoliafor the improvement of quality of life and sexual well-being in men,” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2012, pp. 1–10. Available at:
- Bin Mohd Tambi, M.I. and Imran, M.K. (2010) “Eurycoma longifolia Jack in managing idiopathic male infertility,” Asian Journal of Andrology, 12(3), pp. 376–380. Available at:
- Talbott, S.M. et al. (2013) “Effect of Tongkat Ali on stress hormones and psychological mood state in moderately stressed subjects,” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 10(1). Available at:
- Rehman, S., Choe, K. and Yoo, H. (2016) “Review on a traditional herbal medicine, Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali): Its traditional uses, chemistry, evidence-based pharmacology and toxicology,” Molecules, 21(3), p. 331. Available at:
- “Joint conference of Basem and bases” (2003) British Journal of Sports Medicine, 37(5), pp. 464–470. Available at:
- Mohd Effendy, N. et al. (2012) “eurycoma longifolia: Medicinal plant in the prevention and treatment of male osteoporosis due to androgen deficiency,” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2012, pp. 1–9. Available at: